Sunday, March 11, 2012

America's 'Mercenary' Military is a Failure

The idea, born in the Vietnam War, that the Pentagon could no longer control a military made up of 'Civilians' resulted in the abolishment of the Draft and the creation of an 'All Volunteer' military - A 'mercenary' Force made up of highly paid 'volunteers'.

In history, we see the results of such a move in Rome. Where a mercenary military preceded the collapse of the Roman Empire.

So, what is the difference between a 'Civilian' military and a 'Mercenary' one?

Simple: A civilian military is made up of citizens who are drafted and who are loyal to the Constitution. A mercenary military is made up of men who serve for money and who are loyal to those who pay them. A large percentage of which are contractors who work for the big corporations.

The military of the United States is no longer and instrument of the American people - it has become a tool of Corporate Capitalism!

The result:

An American soldier opened fire on villagers near his base in southern Afghanistan Sunday and killed 16 civilians, according to President Hamid Karzai who called it an "assassination" and furiously demanded an explanation from Washington. Nine children and three women were among the dead.

The killing spree deepened a crisis between U.S. forces and their Afghan hosts over Americans burning Muslim holy books on a base in Afghanistan. The burnings sparked weeks of violent protests and attacks that left some 30 people dead. Six U.S. service members have been killed by their Afghan colleagues since the Quran burnings came to light, but the violence had just started to calm down.

Four soldiers from a Stryker brigade out of Lewis-McChord, Washington, have been sent to prison in connection with the 2010 killings of three unarmed men during patrols in Kandahar province's Maiwand district, which is just northwest of Panjwai. They were accused of forming a "kill team" that murdered Afghan civilians for sport — slaughtering victims with grenades and powerful machine guns during patrols, then dropping weapons near their bodies to make them appear to have been combatants.

And in January, before the Quran burning incident, a video that purportedly showed U.S. Marines urinating on corpses of men they had killed sparked widespread outrage.

NATO officials apologized for the shootings.

The problem:

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Officers are losing control of their troops - obviously - the men have no respect for their leaders and the rule of law or common decency - obviously - and, who the fuck is NATO to apologize for the United States armed forces?

The other day, as the two F-15s that protect the city of Long Beach were scrambling, I had an epiphany. The United States has no defense against a real war. When the Chinese (or whoever) come they will come with thousands of fighters and blow those F-15s out of the sky... All of our shit is overseas (serving the interests of the big corporations and playing the part of the world's bully). And, what about nuclear weapons? Boom! The whole city goes up in flames. For what? Because the Government no longer serves the interests of the American people? Because the corporations are greedy, and cruel? Because the military is out of control?

The whole country is turning to shit. And, the politicians say we need to go to war with Iran because that's what Israel wants. Fuck Israel! The politicians have already bankrupted the United States and screwed the American people - while the Corporate Capitalists (the tiny 1%) have raked in record profits.

Ron Paul is right about one thing: We need to bring the troops home and quit playing 'Rambo' in the world. Because we are going to need every one of them to defend the United States.

And, that's the Truth!

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