Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Fight Police Brutality!

When unarmed peaceful civilians are killed or brutalized by the police, they are being killed by agents of the government that is supposed to represent them. It is this failure of government that must be addressed.

Here are 5 Ways To Stop Police Brutality:

1. Protests

Police stations, city hall and other government venues must be protested against and marched on after every incident of police brutality.

2. Record the Police

We must use our cameras every time police harass us to catch them in the act. Then we can use the Internet and the viral media to expose these actions worldwide. In their heyday, the Black Panthers would do this.  They had a police watch and would follow the police with a camera and record their actions.  Now that cameras are so cheap and people have cameras on their phones, it is a lot easier to hold the police accountable for their actions.

3. Vote Out Politicians Who Condone Police Brutality

Politicians who do not address issues like police brutality must be voted out of office. Rappers should be spending a lot less time glamorizing black on black crime and dissing each other, and more time documenting police brutality. African American entertainers and activists have a strong voice in America and they must also use that voice to fight the problems in our community.

4. Engage in Dialogue With the Cops

We must use moderate police organizations to work with the police to stop police brutality. Groups like '100 Blacks in Law Enforcement' have done a lot to combat police brutality and people should work with them as an intermediary to deal with community issues with the police.

5. Take Legal Action Against Police

We need to take legal action as well. The best way to hurt police brutality is by hitting them in the pocket. If the police keep on getting sued for brutality they’ll be forced to deal with the issue. Every incident of police brutality should be reported to both the government and the media.

The people pay taxes and therefore they also pay police salaries. Police should be in the communities to serve and protect not to harass and arrest. The war on drugs is really a war on minorities. Americans are treated like insurgents in occupied territory and not citizens in need of protection. We need to end so-called 'wars' waged by our government on American citizens.

And, that's the Truth!

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