Monday, January 16, 2012

How To Be A Socialist

Socialism is the answer to over-population!

"You can't make an omelet without breaking any eggs." or "How many Republicans are there in the United States?" (Answer: There are 47 million registered Republicans in the United States.)

Does this right-wing propaganda poster give you any ideas?

Keep in mind that Corporate Capitalism STARVES  14,235,000 CHILDREN TO DEATH in the world every year! (So, in ten years their murder rate is over 142 MILLION - and that's only children, and only from hunger!) Here is a system that has murdered 23,000 innocent bystanders with drones, pointing the finger at socialists for killing people. Its laughable. But its not funny...

So you want to be a Socialist?

Socialism refers to collective ownership of the means of production, thus a classless and stateless international society and the end of exploitation and oppression. It was used as a synonym for communism by Marx, Engels, and many other socialists at the time, but it has also been used to refer to either a 'transitional stage between capitalism and communism' proposed by Vladimir Lenin.

1.- Read Marx. Read and analyze the writings of Marx and Engels' Das Kapital for a comprehensive economic analysis of capitalism and the theory of surplus value. Consider the concept of "common ownership of the means of production" or "workers control of the means of production".

2.- Read interpretations of Marx. For basic introductory books about Marx consider the following;

Introducing Marx by Rius (the best),
Introducing Marxism by Rupert Woodfin,
Marx's Kapital for Beginners by David N. Smith and Phil Evans,
An Introduction to Socialism by Leo Huberman
Marx: A Beginner's Guide by Gill Hands,
Rebel's Guide To Marx by Mike Gonzalez,
Socialism: A Very Short Introduction by Michael Newman
Marx: A Very Short Introduction by Peter Singer.

3.- Read Leon Trotsky on international socialism. In Defence of Marxism, The History of the Russian Revolution and The Revolution Betrayed.

4.- Consider studying less well-known socialist writers. Such as Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Mikhail Bakunin, Rosa Luxemburg and Daniel De Leon.

Writings of Daniel DeLeon by Daniel DeLeon
What is Property by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
God and the State by Mikhail Bakunin
The Basic Bakunin by Mikhail Bakunin
The Essential Rosa Luxemburg by Rosa Luxemburg
The Rosa Luxemburg Reader by Kevin B. Anderson

5.- Buy clothes and stickers with socialist slogans. Some people may ask you about them.

6.- Tell your views to people both moderate and extreme. Moderates may agree with some a few things you say, but free market enthusiasts will have a lot of differences with you. Know all you can about history and figures so that you can try to sway the opinions of different people. Collaborate and plan with your supporters. Remember, that many believe that socialism enslaves and oppresses the middle class by handing out unaffordable goodies and then levying higher and higher taxes on those who can supposedly afford to pay. Be prepared to discuss the particulars of countries using the most socialist systems, and know the measures they are taking to try to create a sustainable system.

7.- Read socialist newspapers and magazines. This will keep you up to date on current affairs. Magazines and news sources such as The Green Left Weekly[2], Indymedia[3], Red Pepper[4], Socialist Worker[5], Socialist Review[6], International Socialist Journal[7], New Internationalist[8], New Left Review[9], New Politics[10], ZMag[11] and Socialist Standard[12]. Etc.

8.- Organize solidarity in your workplace. Getting involved in the workers organization movements is generally considered something socialists engage in.

9.- Attend the World Social Forum and the left forum in New York City.

10.- Join a socialist party or organization and campaign for socialism.


The Marxists Internet Archive is a good resource and has a good student section.


* Some purported "socialists" really want wealth and power concentrated in the hands of the few rather than the many.
* Social democrats or welfare capitalists are not the same as socialists.
* Keep in mind that many people equate socialism with state capitalism or Communism. Before you start discussions with these people, understand and explain the differences to them.
* If you are going to argue with someone, keep it civilised.

Things You'll Need

* An independent mind
* The willingness to test all ideas with thoroughness.
* The will to act on what you have learned.
* The will to swim upstream the rest of your life, if need be.


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