Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Time Is Now!

If there was ever a time for REVOLUTION in America that time would be NOW.

"Interesting idea - the 99% - the coining of this new phrase opens the way to interesting ways to talk politics to people. We are living at a critical point in history for working people. Either we build organizations and a political party to take power away from the 1%, or we get dragged into fascism and war. The American people seem to be realizing that the two party system is a sham, which really means two pigs with their snouts in the same trough. But the time left to build the alternative is short. I reckon we have about two years before things really fall apart. Then we will be in the middle of wars, revolution and attempts at violent counter-revolution. Time to learn to use a 30-30, I reckon. Build the revolutionary party!"
~ James (NYC)

Who does the 'two party system' serve? Why it serves the establishment - the status quo! Did you think it served the people? Do you think Corporate Capitalism gives a rat's ass about the American people, or people anywhere? All the 1% care about is money and their own collective 'fat ass'. The only time they will make concessions is when they are afraid. So, guess what? The purpose of the revolutionary party is to put the fear of God into Corporate Capitalism!

"Well, yeah, I can dig that," you say. Therefore, the real question becomes: "Just how exactly do we build a revolutionary party?"

I used to have a book on the 'Long March' that I found at a garage sale... To bring yourself up to speed on the Long March click HERE. Well, to make a long story short, the Soviet Union was trying to run the revolution in China by following the 'book' that was written in the Russian revolution. Needless to say, this got most of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) wiped out. Beginning with the Shanghai massacre of 1927, things got pretty grim for the CCP... the result of the Long March was that they began to see 'daylight' again. But according to the author of this book about the Long March (an American journalist who was sympathetic to the Chinese communists) the secret of the Communist Party's success was the creation of 'Soviets' (communes). The Chinese communists became almost completely self-sufficient. They made their own clothing, their own weapons, grew their own food, and all ate from a common pot. They learned communism from living it, not just reading about it. They learned how to fight by fighting. They were deadly serious because the alternative to victory was death.

By living, working, fighting and dying together the Chinese were able to defeat the international capitalist 'mercenaries' of the KMT, the Imperialist Japanese aggressors, and build a real revolutionary Chinese communist party. It should be possible for us to do the same thing here in the United States.

I am not suggesting that we try to become Chinese. I don't think that is even a distant possibility. Nor am I suggesting that we immediately go to 'war' against Corporate Capitalism. War is created by 'events' and 'existing conditions'. These histrionic forces are often beyond any body's control, and often begin to spin out of control as soon as a dramatic series of events start to unfold. (As in the Bush administration's war against Iraq.) Once the dogs of war are unleashed it is very difficult to call them off. Therefore, it would behoove everyone to keep a cool head and try to think things through carefully.

No, what I am suggesting is that the reason militant socialism hasn't taken hold in this country is because socialists (and communists) have been 'talking the talk' but they have failed to 'walk the walk'. You have to put your 'money where your mouth is' and LIVE your beliefs. A communist - a militant socialist - has to live among the masses! He can't be just a visitor, or an 'ambulance chaser' who runs from one crisis to the next trying to stir shit up.

Yo! Mr 'Vanguard' leader of the downtrodden masses! Where is your community? Where is your 'network'? Haven't you heard that 'a revolutionary is a fish that swims in the sea of the people'?

Why do you think the man went after the Black Panther Party? Because they were real. Why wouldn't the Panthers unite with you? Because you are not. You are holding back. And that's what separates the 'men from the boys'.

Talking about politics is not enough. They want to see what you've really got. Are you going to show it to them or not?

The cops hose down some little old lady with pepper spray... Go hose down their mothers! People behave themselves because they know what goes around comes around... not because they are basically good. The authorities are torturing people - torture them and their families! Tit for tat.

A revolutionary doesn't go for any bullshit! That's why the 1% are afraid of them. You know that they are peeing in their pants when you see all the security, and police, and military... These are not signs of strength - they are signs of weakness!

Anybody who's been there knows when your time's up it's up. You can't cheat the Grim Reaper. Do you really think an Army is going to save you from your fate. It didn't save Hitler.

And, that's the Truth!

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