Friday, February 17, 2012

Cleaning Out the Cobwebs

When workers band together in unions its called 'Socialism', when merchants band together in corporations its 'Fascism'. In fact, Benito Mussolini defined Fascism as the 'corporate' state.

We all love America. How could we not? We grew up here. It is our home. It is our country. And, because we love America we must draw the line when it comes to people who disrespect our nation, our culture, our way of life, and the American people in general.

I am not talking about foreign enemies. I'm not talking about those who have sworn to destroy the United States - I am talking about the people who are actually doing it: The Corporate Capitalists - who put money before every human and spiritual value!

To the 1% who rule over the rest of us, Freedom means being free to make profits at the expense of people; Democracy means controlling public opinion - buying politicians and judges! They say: "Remember the Golden Rule - whoever has the gold makes the rules!"

They want to make money without paying taxes.

They want to control public opinion, and the Government, without accepting any responsibility.

They want to make new laws that will lead to tyranny over the American people. That will destroy the environment. That will impoverish the American worker and destroy the middle-class.

Our economy is in a shambles. We are eliminating our social welfare safety-net. Cutting money to schools, hospitals, public services... They want to 'privatize' as much as they can, and stuff the extra money in their pockets. But to privatize those things that must be regulated by the public, is as stupid as moving our factories to other countries, and 'out-sourcing' our jobs. When we 'privatize' the freeways we have toll roads. When we privatize the bridges we have toll bridges. Do you want a 'pay as you go' society, and still pay the same or more in taxes? You call the fire department, the police, the ambulance, and you get a bill. Or they automatically deduct it from your debit card...

No more post office. You can go down to your local UPS, or drive a couple of hundred miles to the nearest town.

No more free Internet. When you log on it will be like getting in a taxi - the meter starts running.

No more free downloads... pay as you go - that's the Corporate Capitalist dream. Let the big oil corporations run the public utilities. Just put your water, fuel, gas and electricity on your gasoline card.

Buy a million dollar home that the bank will own forever, because you can't pay off a million dollar debt (with interest) while making the minimum wage.

And, why should you make more than the minimum wage, with no health care, and no retirement benefits? What are you some kind of a 'commie free-loader'?

Is it my imagination or are people getting stupider and stupider?

When the Republicans talk about 'people on welfare' - that is going to be you! But, you are so smart, you think they're talking about blacks and Mexicans. Those people who you have come to view as 'aliens'.

No, they are looking at bleak economic prospects and getting ready to cut their 'losses'. Unfortunately, that means the middle-class.

Wake up! If you won't fight for a better future then you don't deserve one!

And, that's the Truth!

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