Advanced, intermediate, and backward... These are the three main categories of the American people.
Of course, it goes without saying, that you can divide the great mass of Americans any way you like, and come to almost any conclusion that you want to. But your survival as a political leader depends on whether or not your analysis is correct. Because, like Abe Lincoln so eloquently put it, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."
The advanced dwell in the future, the intermediate dwell in the present, and the backward dwell in the past.
To add another facet, "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
Obviously, our corporate masters want to ensure that the majority of Americans remain backward in their thinking, and completely dependent on the corrupt capitalist system - if not materially then, at least, psychologically. That way they will continue to be obedient 'herd animals' who can be counted upon to serve their 'betters'. Therefore, the success of their 'management' lies in keeping the greater number of American workers in the 'backward' category.
On the other hand, the success of American Socialism depends on whether or not we can move the majority of American workers into the 'advanced' category. In other words, our task is to wake people up... The task of the corporate capitalist system is to put them to sleep.
In view of the current 'brain dead' political dialog, I think most people would agree that the system has been more effective putting Americans to sleep than we have been waking them up.
That's OK - we are just starting.
Beginning and becoming is a beautiful thing... a blank sheet of paper, ready for something magnificent to be written on it...
Are you ready to write?
Come on, if you haven't been 'laid off' yet it's only a matter of time... You are over-qualified. They can hire some eager young kid to take your place at the minimum wage. With no benefits. That's what has been happening in the workplace... down-sizing, out-sourcing, cutting hours, one worker doing three jobs for the price of one - and making less money than you did in the 70's and 80's. Yet everything has gone up since then...
Do you still believe in the 'American Dream'?
The 1% still believe in it! They're making so much money nowadays... and getting subsidized by the government... and not even paying any taxes!
Let's face it, this isn't the same America as the one you grew up in.
What will the future be like? Do you believe that things are getting better? Or, that all of our problems will go away by themselves?
99% of the American people are getting screwed by the system - the advanced, the intermediate, and the backward.
What do you think we should do about it?
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