Saturday, February 25, 2012

Forget the Past: Let's Focus on the Future!

Somebody, somewhere along the line, decided that it was in America's best interest to go out into the world and fuck with everybody - to make sure that the good, old, USA, would continue to dominate the world economy. And, to ensure continued profits for the Corporate Capitalist elite.

The American people went along with the plan. Partly because they didn't really understand what the plan was; and partly because they would benefit from it. When it came right down to it, the average American didn't give a rat's ass what happened to some poor SOB who lived in another part of the world, and who didn't have much in common with American culture and traditions. After all, Asians, Africans, Latinos, Arabs, aren't really the same as Americans, or even Europeans - so fuck them if they can't 'take a joke'.

Well, it turned out that the joke was on the American worker. His government moved American industry to China, and stood by while Corporate Capitalism out-sourced his job to the 'Third World'. Coming out of the fog of bullshit, people are starting to get a clearer picture of what is actually happening. And, just how bad they are getting screwed by a system that cares about the bottom-line more than it does the American people.

To understand American politics you have to understand how the 'con-man' works. What does he do? He appeals to your greed, selfishness, and egotism. He makes you think that you can get something for nothing. And, like the pick-pocket, he tries to distract your attention away from what is really happening in the crucial moment. While his nimble fingers relieve you of your wallet, and other valuables.

There is no essential difference between the Republicans and Democrats

The safest mantra to chant is: Politicians are all crooks! They make their living by 'blowing smoke' up everybody's ass. They are not your friends. They do not care about you or your family. They will shake your hand, kiss your baby, and promise you the moon. Then, after they get your vote, they don't know you anymore. They will do the bidding of the rich and powerful - because they donate the big bucks - because they are 'owned' by that tiny 1% who are in control of the wealth of this country.

So, what is the difference between the two ruling political parties? The Democrats follow a policy of giving the American worker a few crumbs off the table to shut him up, and the Republicans believe that you'll go for anything - as long as it is wrapped in the flag and is carrying a Bible.

BOTH political parties represent the interests of Corporate Capitalism. BOTH could care less about the American worker.

So, what do we need to do?

First, I think we need to arm ourselves with information. What are the real issues? What are the pros and cons of our actions? What kind of a world do we want to live in, and how will that world be possible?

The modern world is full of challenges: Overpopulation, Hunger, Poverty, Unemployment, Economic Instability, The scarcity of crucial resources (like oil and water), Destruction of the Environment, War (without end), Lack of Education, Greed, Selfishness, Egotism, Hatred and Mistrust, Lack of Health Care, etc. In other words, the 'Crisis' is upon us!

How we react to these challenges will determine whether or not humanity will become extinct.

Second, I think we need to realize that something completely radical must be done. Even if we kill off the 1% and confiscate their wealth, we are still going to have to face the same challenges. Even if we figure out how to drastically reduce the world population, the challenges are still going to be there. Someone said, "The problem is 'human nature'."

Others have said, "The problem is distribution."

I think the problem is mathematics. We live in a finite world. We are running out of natural resources. We are running out of time.

The answer, of course, is to change 'human nature'. The focus of our lives must be shifted away from self-interest, and focused on the interests of the species and the planet. That is a monumental challenge: to create a New Man. I don't think with the present mindset we can do it. We need to fundamentally change the way we think.

That must be the primary concern.

Third, we need to find out: Who are our enemies and who are our friends? 

Who stands in the way of human survival and upward development? And, how can we neutralize them?

The focus of our thinking must be shifted. We must concern ourselves with the future, rather than the present and the past. The past is over. The present is beyond our control. Our only hope is the future!

And, that's the Truth!

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